1130 Mediathek-Videos gefunden.

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Women on the edge come together to discuss their issues with motherhood. Caroline tries to use her transferable skills as a single mother to land her dream job...
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Women on the edge come together to discuss their issues with motherhood. Étienne is unhappy that his wife doesn't take him seriously when he's looking after the children...
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Women on the edge come together to discuss their issues with motherhood: No judgement here, it’s Mothers Anonymous! Parfaite is panicking at the thought of entrusting her children to a nanny...
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Women on the edge come together to discuss their issues with motherhood: No judgement here, it’s Mothers Anonymous! Étienne tries to answer to his 5-year-old daughter's incessant questions...
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Women on the edge come together to discuss their issues with motherhood: No judgement here, it’s Mothers Anonymous! Caroline is desperate to find a mate.
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Women on the edge come together to discuss their issues with motherhood: No judgement here, it’s Mothers Anonymous! Anne-Cécile finds her grown-up teenager far too lethargic...
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Women on the edge come together to discuss their issues with motherhood: No judgement here, it’s Mothers Anonymous! Since she got pregnant, Jessica feels like she's stepped into another dimension...
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Women on the edge come together to discuss their issues with motherhood: No judgement here, it’s Mothers Anonymous! Parfaite wants to become an influencer on social media, just like her idol.
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Women on the edge come together to discuss their issues with motherhood: No judgement here, it’s Mothers Anonymous! Helen tries out some pills which are supposed to make you the perfect mother.
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Link | Hoch, HD
Women on the edge come together to discuss their issues with motherhood: No judgement here, it’s Mothers Anonymous! Dad Étienne arrives at Mothers Anonymous and has to show his credentials...
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Women on the edge come together to discuss their issues with motherhood: No judgement here, it’s Mothers Anonymous! Parfaite tries every possible technique on her tyrannical 18-month-old son...
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Link | Hoch, HD
Women on the edge come together to discuss their issues with motherhood: No judgement here, it’s Mothers Anonymous! Punk rock singer Marie Rock is having trouble keeping it all together.
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Women on the edge come together to discuss their issues with motherhood: No judgement here, it’s Mothers Anonymous! Caroline is new to the group and must introduce herself.
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Link | Hoch, HD
In north-east Honduras, a team of archaeologists is unearthing the remains of a lost pre-Hispanic culture. This documentary looks at their discoveries and how important they are in revealing the history of pre-Colombian central American civilisations.
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Link | Hoch, HD
Shooting club members who legally possess firearms are regularly among the perpetrators of attacks and shootings in Germany. Faced with this worrying phenomenon, there are calls for stricter regulations on firearms.
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With energy prices rising and climate change looming, how we heat our homes is a hot topic. For Europeans with gas boiler, what renewable energy options are available?
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Midwifery has traditionally been a female profession. Of the 27,000 or so midwives in Germany, only around thirty are men, with similar statistics in other European companies. Why is it such a female dominated sector?
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Since the Covid-19 pandemic, some 2,500 Germans have emigrated to Paraguay, hoping to find a gentle, sunny life far from the restrictions and lockdowns.  ARTE investigates the El Paraíso Verde colony, set up by former scientist Erwin Annau and his wife S
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From wealthy Russians flying to Dubai for a shopping spree, to Ukrainians taking a break in Transcarpathia, in the west of the country, to Albania now facing mass tourism. Tracks East focuses on holidays in times of crisis.
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Link | Hoch, HD
The former President of the United States is on a roll with some polls showing him favourite to win the election scheduled for November 2024. But what does he want to do if elected? A potential Trump second term is likely to be more radical than his firs
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