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Viktor Orban faces stiff competition in the European elections: Péter Magyar, head of a party that is rising in the polls and wants to break out of the conflictual relationship with the European Union.
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Belgian is a complicated and fascinating country with linguistic, economic and cultural diversity, somewhat like the continent of Europe in miniature. A tour of this small, flat country, which is often, unfairly, overlooked.
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In the face of corporate takeovers and soaring land prices, Wallonia in Belgium is losing its family farms and the future is looking bleak for the next generation. With no protection or guarantees, young farmers are gradually abandoning the profession an
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In New Caledonia, there has been violence in response to a government reform that will reduce the electoral weight of the Kanak people. A focus on the issues of the French territory which has a special status.
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In this programme we meet four people with disabilities, who fight a daily battle for acceptance and their right to autonomy. Islam Alijaj, who has physical and speech impairments, wants to become a member of the National Council. Visually impaired geolo
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For 27 countries across the continent of Europe, from Portugal to Poland, Finland to Greece, each with their own character and concerns, to come together to make decisions is no easy feat. Which makes some of the EU’s member states reluctant to expand th
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Europe is the fruit of a process that began some 2,500 years ago with the Greeks, and then the Romans. Moving across the continent, they planted the seeds of our civilisation. After them, for centuries, it was merchants, clerics, pilgrims and artists who
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Expecting her first child and questioning how to align motherhood with being an artist, Lola Peploe begins a dialogue with her grandmother Cloclo, a landscape painter, aesthetic nomad and free spirit. Lola decides to follow in her footsteps and return to
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In the face of the climate crisis, private jets are a travel solution that serves the few and yet affects the many. And yet, order books are full as these jets become increasingly popular, including in Belgium. This investigation delves into this exclusi
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PFAS are toxic substances known as “forever chemicals” because they do not break down in nature. They’re associated with higher risks of cancer and a weakened immune system. Forever chemicals have contaminated soil, eggs and drinking water in several Eur
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The average Belgian consumes 48kg of sugar a year, twice the maximum amount recommended by the World Health Organisation. And they’re not the only ones for whom sugar is a daily drug. Researchers have found that sugar can have the same effect on our brai
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Joan Mitchell was a rare woman in post-war abstract art, born into a wealthy family in Chicago in 1925, who refused to theorise her works. Her artworks, which exude vibrant colour, seem to be able to cross the strata of the unconscious. Includes archive
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Far-right leader Jordan Bardella is idolised by many young people in France.  The polls put his National Rally party well ahead of all other French parties at the European Elections and his TikTok following is the envy of his political rivals. Report on
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On 22 January 2024, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated a huge new Hindu temple, the Ram Mandir, dedicated to Rama, a major deity of Hinduism. But this is a controversial building as it is constructed on the site of an historic mosque, destro
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This documentary is a patchwork of material that gives insight into the mind of filmmaker, poet, and writer Thomas Brasch, who died twenty years ago. Material from his personal video diary, spliced with filmed interviews and archive footage of his plays,
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Paul Auster’s latest novel ‘4321’ gives four different scenarios for the life of its central character, Isaac Archibald Ferguson. With contributions from his wife and fellow writer Siri Hustvedt, filmmaker Wim Wenders and artist Sam Messer, this document
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In 1971, a young sailor named Yann returns to Malpertuis, his late uncle's eerie mansion. As he becomes the heir, he discovers the house's labyrinthine corridors are filled with mysterious relatives and occult secrets. Directed by Harry Kümel and based o
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Filmmaker Yvonne Scholten delves into 80 years of Italian women’s resistance, from the fascist attack on the feminist Radio Donna studios to the broader struggles against oppression. Each story is a testament to the often-overlooked role women played in
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Set in rural Hungary, "Merry-Go-Round" tells the story of Mari, a young farmer, forbidden from marrying her love. As tradition clashes with passion, Mari must defy societal expectations to follow her heart in this poignant tale of love and defiance.
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Chinese men are suffering. There are simply not enough women to go around since China implemented its one-child policy in 1979.  This means that 1 in 5 Chinese men will not be able to find a partner in five years’ time.
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