1154 Mediathek-Videos gefunden.

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“Adriana Lecouvreur”, Calabrian composer Francesco Cilea’s most famous work, is a lyrical retelling of the story of Adrienne Lecouvreur, the famous Parisian actress who died in suspicious circumstances in 1730.
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In Kazakhstan, Central Asia, an ancient food is now all the rage: camel's milk. The shepherds swear by its benefits.
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Eastern Europeans migrating west in the hope of better salaries are often exploited and underpaid. Czech journalist Sasa Uhlová goes undercover to find out what conditions are like for these invisible workers in Germany, France and Great Britain.
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Stéphanie and Clément's relationship could be just fine if Clément would just agree to walk around naked when they’re on their own... Emmanuel Mouret's remarkable first film.
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Cécile thinks one thing and an other. She wants one thing and its opposite. Does she know what she really thinks or really wants?  A short film by Noémie Lvovsky (1990), starring Valeria Bruni Tedeschi and Emmanuelle Devos.
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Jacques tries to explain to his two grown-up children his past and present love life as honestly as possible. At first, Lise and Aurélien listen attentively but then their simple line of questions disrupts the logic of his speech.
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Teenager Maryline loves her workmate Aymeric. But one summer day, with the red planet visible in the sky, she saves Ludovic from drowning...
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Laetitia and Sophie are on holiday in Britanny where they eat crepes, take walks on the beach and go out at the local nightclub, where the figure of the Masked Sailor, Laetitia's childhood sweetheart, reappears... A short film by Sophie Letourneur.
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Two sets of gay parents discover that their children are related via their biological father. This sensitive and humourous documentary follows the two families as they navigate how best to involve the siblings in each other's lives.
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Photographers are increasingly being inspired by the animal world. A focus on five photographers’ work. In this episode German photographer Kristin Schnell is interested in animals that have had a hard life or been mistreated.
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Photographers are increasingly being inspired by the animal world. Focus on five photographers’ work. Claudio Gotsch snaps the animals of his native Switzerland in striking black and white portraits.
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Vapes – disposable electronic cigarettes – are becoming increasingly popular, with young people in particular. But they quickly turn into tonnes of extremely polluting waste. More than half are carelessly thrown away and end up either littering the groun
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Nicole Orlandi is in her fifties, drives a Postbus, and was the first transgender woman to become a judo world champion. But her greatest goal is just to live a normal life, as a woman, free from the effects of prejudice, and be who she really is. This
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We might be living longer now, but are we living those extra years to the full? This group of five people have been taking part in an 18-month scientific study on whether mindfulness, altruism and mediation, all practices that allow us to reconnect with
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For more than 20 years, women have been part of the Swiss army, including in combat units. However, the number of women in the forces still only accounts for just over 1% of the total number of troops. The Department of Defence plans to increase this to
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The Olympic Games puts the host country in the spotlight and Paris 2024 is no different. This major event is a security and logistical challenge as well as a golden opportunity for nations to project soft power across the world.
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England in 1883, the working-class team from Blackburn Olympic beat the elite Old Etonians in a surprise win. What was the significance of this event in British social history and in the history of sport?
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Three decades after gaining independence from the USSR, Georgians are out demonstrating in force. Many are upset about the government’s ‘Foreign Agents’ Bill which could jeopardise Georgia’s candidacy for European Union membership.
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Link | Hoch, HD
In 2017, computer scientists Matt and John create CryptoPunks, NFTs that can be collected and exchanged for free via blockchain. At the same time, the artist Robness discovers blockchain, a new world that he sees as an artistic utopia. None of the three
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Link | Hoch, HD
Now at the centre of a financial bubble worth billions of dollars, the CryptoPunks craze is getting out of control. The community utopia of the early days has gone and Robness is fighting to ensure that Cryptoart is more than just an object of speculatio
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Link | Hoch, HD

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